Playing with Synthetic Cubism 1

After playing with an online tutorial on how to use Photoshop to create Cubist images, I had an idea to try a series of digital illustrations using video game controllers as a theme.
Here’s the first, a Nintendo Wii controller. I call it “Cubism Oui”.

The Cryptic Canvas (TCC) Event Gallery

A note from Toronto’s Artsy Fartsy Group on Facebook:

The Cryptic Canvas (TCC) Event Gallery is hosting a juried, indoor artists exhibition, ART off the Lot, November 5th – 8th. It is being independently run…needless to say it will be a lot more original, creative & fun! TCC is very much a gallery that acts in the interest of the artist. The show is only $500 (per booth, which can be shared by 2 artists) for an indoor venue (which is half of all other indoor exhibitions) & we are not up-charging on extras (ie. walls, electricity, etc. Our cost is the artists cost). We also have a large portion of the budget dedicated to advertising.

The application deadline is Sept. 4th. So, you’ve still got a couple of days.
ART off the Lot:
CRAFT off the Lot: (they are also looking for artisans for a separate show the weekend following the ART show)