Painting now on Stretchers

So, I bought some 30″ gallery stretchers, and mounted the test painting (I should call it a ‘study’). Looks good, though, I’m wondering if I should paint to within 1.5″ of the edge instead of 3″. With the 3″ border, it’s more likely to stretch without cracking, but it also looks more unfinished. It’s OK, if I point out what I’m doing and how it got this way, but it’s possible that someone may judge it rather critically because of this.

New Painting Project

I’m working on the logistics of a new project, involving unstretched, unprimed canvas. These paintings will be done while on a canoe trip in Algonquin Park. I want to be able to paint my usual style in my usual format, using acrylics in the most environmentally friendly way possible. So, minimal water, no brushes, and no stretchers, so I can get the 3×3 canvases up and back without too much trouble.
More on this to come.