Getting Back To Work

In the dead of winter, I’m warm and cozy in my heated studio. I’ve rearranged some of the tables and the art wall, to produce a very useable space, which has different zones for different needs. Near the door, R’s motorcycle sleeps out the winter in a warm space. Next to it are the heavy punching bag, and the double-ended bag, for when I feel like a little boxing. The futon/couch is next to the dance mirror, which can be moved aside when R feels like a little dance practice. In the middle of it is the art wall, and easels, behind which is storage for blank canvases and bikes. Against the far wall is the toolbox and work table, for when something needs to be fixed.
All in all, a good space to work, and with the wifi repeater, I’ve got a strong Internet connection for streaming audio … Pandora radio, or SomaFM.
I’ve been working on a number of projects, including this new piece (sorry, it’s sold already):


New studio sandwich board ready

It’s not big news, but I built a new sandwich board for the studio for the upcoming art walk.
The text is laser-printed and glued to the board under a thick coating of gloss gel applied with a 5″ print roller. Sort of a gel encaustic collage.

Down Hips Dance Studio

Some paintings are now on display at Down Hips Dance Studio ( During the opening party, two of my photo prints were given out as door prizes.
The paintings are on loan indefinitely. We may switch them periodically. If you’re interested in purchasing one, .

Artwalk 2009 planning underway

Met last night with the Central Art Walk group to discuss this year’s studio tour. We’ve got some more money available, and this will likely translate into better flyers, some print ads, and a lot more traffic in our area.