Studio Update

More work on the studio conversion got finished before I went to the cabin out of Longlac. I finished the loft floor, and started insulating the ceiling. Once the insulation’s finished, I can start moving things up there, to get them off the floor of the studio. That should give me some breathing room. And once I put the vapour barrier on the walls, I can put the shelving back into place. I bought some foil-backed vapour barrier, which should add to the R-value.
My door and window came in while I was away. I’m going to start installing them this week. Everything looks like it will fit properly, but I need to use concrete screws to hold them in place — the door opening is too small for any kind of framing, but the opening is just the right size for a 30″ pre-hung door.
I also got my new business account in place, so I can now take cheques made out to “Zuckerloft Studio”. Now I have no excuse but to get my art out there.